Coronavírus faz casal celebrar casamento em drive-in - Tudo do Bem

Coronavírus faz casal celebrar casamento em drive-in

Coronavírus faz casal celebrar casamento em drive-in

Estava tudo pronto para que Bri e Lindsey Leaverton, do estado americano do Texas, celebrassem o seu casamento no último dia 10 de abril. Mas aí veio a pandemia do novo coronavírus e acabou com os planos do casal.

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No lugar de postergar a festa por um período indeterminado, a dupla resolveu dar uma solução inteligente para a questão e celebrar o casamento em um drive-in, com os convidados isolados dentro dos seus carros.

De acordo com o casal, a festa no drive-in foi planejada em duas semanas e celebrada no último dia 28 de abril, com transmissão ao vivo pela internet. Mais de 80 carros compareceram à cerimônia.


Ver essa foto no Instagram


Lindsey surprised me with a song she has been writing for over a year and sang it at our wedding in front of me and all of our guest that attended both virtually and in person. It was one of my favorite moments of the night! What was your favorite moment from our wedding?! . . . . Also, did y’all know that Lindsey used to be in full time ministry way back in the day? She was a professional touring Christian recording artist and released 7 albums during her career. In 2009 she came out, after being in the closet her entire life. It was a painful process to say the least. Lindsey lost her career in the span of a few weeks and she was rejected by most of her friends and family. Albums were mailed back to her from Christian bookstores. Songs pulled from radio. Her entire touring schedule was wiped out. So anytime I get to watch this strong woman stand up and sing again after losing everything, I cannot contain my joy. You can be gay and love God. You can be gay and go to church. Lindsey now gets to lead worship at 2 open and affirming churches here in Austin. . . . . #LeavertonPartyof5 #PopUpPandemicWedding #equallywed #pandemicwedding #lovehardhoney #dancingwithher #sheswithher #twobrides #twobridesarebetterthanone #lovewins #wifelife #loveislove #equality #femme #lesbians #gayweddings #itgetsbetter

Uma publicação compartilhada por Bri & Lindsey Leaverton (@the.mrs.leavertons) em

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